4 เหตุผลสำคัญที่คุณควรเลือกใช้เอเนอร์จีเจลที่มีส่วนประกอบของทอรีน

พฤษภาคม 11, 2020

4 เหตุผลสำคัญที่คุณควรเลือกใช้เอเนอร์จีเจลที่มีส่วนประกอบของทอรีน

If you have already managed to get hold of a box of Bollox Energy Gels you may have noticed the prominent location of the ingredient taurine on the nutrients label. Taurine, which comes from the Latin (Taurus) word for "bull," is an organic compound that was originally discovered and isolated in an ox in 1827. Contrary to popular rumors, taurine has nothing to do with the bull’s testicles, semen or urine. While taurine is sometimes called an amino acid, and indeed is an acid containing an amino group (and also a sulfonic acid group), it is not an amino acid in the usual biochemical meaning of the term, which refers to compounds containing both an amino and a carboxyl group [1].

Taurine is found naturally in several dietary sources such as fish, meat and breast milk. A typical diet may include 50-200 milligrams of taurine a day, depending on how much fish and meat you consume. You can also get taurine from sea algae and sea plants, and our bodies can even create some taurine on their own. Taurine is an important component of bile acids, which are used to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It also plays an important role in supporting heart health, brain health, muscle function and is also a potent antioxidant.

Now, before you reach for your next Bollox Energy Gel, let's talk about what this "super molecule" can do for you as an athlete. Taurine supplementation may have various benefits such as:

1) enhanced force production,
2) improved endurance,
3) increased performance in aerobic sports,
4) increased performance in anaerobic sports.

There are multiple scientific studies published supporting theses positive effects of Taurine supplementation:


One study showed that intense exercise significantly lowered muscle taurine levels, but that administering taurine during the exercise session countered the loss of taurine and helped improve work capacity. In this study, taurine supplementation improved endurance performance compared to a placebo group. Plus, following the exercise tests, urinary loss of creatine and other biomarkers were reduced. In other words, taurine administration improved recovery and reduced the effects of muscle fatigue [2].

Another study with endurance athletes showed that cyclists who were supplemented with taurine burned more fat than carbohydrates to fuel their ride. This, of course is good news because fats are a more efficient form of energy than carbs, and the average person has a nearly limitless supply (roughly 90,000 calories for a 80kg person) of fat stored in their bodies. Its ability to improve fat burning is one reason that taurine improves performance and time to exhaustion. The study showed taurine ingestion prior to a prolonged cycling time trial resulted in better performance and a 16 percent increase in total fat oxidation compared to a control group [3].

Taurine also helps your fast-twitch muscles produce their peak force by supporting the contractile properties and countering fatigue. It’s likely a combination of better energy production and the ability of taurine to maintain homeostasis in the body that play a role in increasing force in type 2 muscle fibers [4].

Finally there are a number of studies suggesting that taurine supplementation may improve reaction time, mood, and mental focus, as well as improve aerobic endurance, increase maximum speed, and reduce perception of fatigue [5-7].

In short Taurine is a multidimensional ingredient that can help you achieve your athletic goals in different ways. We just love this molecule and that’s exactly why we have supplemented Bollox with Taurine! So don’t hesitate to grab your Bollox Energy Gel with Taurine for your next training session or race. The maximum safe dose of taurine as a supplement is the dose at which there is a high level of confidence that an individual will not experience any side effects. This dose assumes that the supplement will be taken on a long-term daily basis. According to one study, the observed safety limit was deemed to be 3,000 mg of taurine as a supplement, taken in addition to normal dietary intake. Nevertheless, there have been several studies that have investigated the effects of higher doses, which are largely well tolerated, but there is insufficient evidence to support the long-term use of higher doses [8].


[1] https://www.britannica.com/science/amino-acid. Retrieved 2017, 2 August.
[2] Yatabe, Y., Miyakawa, S., Ohmori, H., Mishima, H., Adachi, T. (2009). Effects of Taurine Administration on Exercise. Advances in Experimental Medicines and Biology, 643, 245-255.
[3] Rutherford, J. A., Spriet, L. L., & Stellingwerff, T. (2010). The effect of acute taurine ingestion on endurance performance and metabolism in well-trained cyclists. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 20(4), 322-329.
[4] Hamilton, E. J., Berg, H. M., Easton, C. J., & Bakker, A. J. (2006). The effect of taurine depletion on the contractile properties and fatigue in fast-twitch skeletal muscle of the mouse. Amino Acids, 31(3), 273-278.
[5] Seidl, R., Peyrl, A., Nicham, R., & Hauser, E. (2000). A taurine and caffeine-containing drink stimulates cognitive performance and well-being. Amino Acids, 19(3-4), 635-642.
[6] Warburton, D. M., Bersellini, E., & Sweeney, E. (2001). An evaluation of a caffeinated taurine drink on mood, memory and information processing in healthy volunteers without caffeine abstinence. Psychopharmacology, 158(3), 322-328.
[7] Alford, C., Cox, H., & Wescott, R. (2001). The effects of red bull energy drink on human performance and mood. Amino Acids, 21(2), 139-150.
[8] Shao, A., & Hathcock, J.N. (2008). Risk assessment for the amino acids taurine, l-glutamine and l-arginine. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 50(3), 376-399.

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“จุดสุดยอดของนักวิ่ง”: อีกหนึ่งเหตุผลที่ควรใช้ BOLLOX FIREBALLS

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